A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ringing in the New Year!

The past year brought quite a lot of firsts for our little family and has proven to be a year that we will never forget!  Therefore, I found it appropriate to once again let you in on the top 7 things I learned in 2012 (Lets be honest it was going to be 10 things but once mommy brain takes over coming up with that many things that don't involve changing diapers or mashing baby food becomes nearly impossible)....

7.  How to really ring in the new year (to be fair I learned this one last year but don't think I have ever written about it...so lucky you, here it is!)  Germans do more than just celebrate the ending of one year and the beginning of the next...they go out with a BANG!  It is something like the 4th of July on Steroids :)  Go to any market the week before the new year and you are bombarded with hundreds and hundreds of fireworks (most of which I am pretty sure you have to have a license to obtain in the US)!  Don't worry...Nate of course got our little family of 3 the BIGGEST package in the place, and even let Landon do his first sparkler (enter extremely nervous mom here)!  Once midnight hits the fun begins...and the best part about it is you don't need to leave your house!  Just step outside your front door and watch the hundreds and hundreds of twinkling lights with all of your neighbors!  Don't ask me how but our little angel slept right through the new year!! 

6.  I am not so great at re-creating German treats.  I was so excited when I got my German cookbook so that I could make all of the wonderful food I have grown to love when we return back to the Home of the Brave!  Although I consider myself to be a pretty good cook....I mean I can follow a recipe to the T, something about making schnitzel mit pommes at home turns me into an Amelia Bedilia of sorts....although maybe it has something to do with the beer :P  So for now I think I will stick to ordering it off a menu!

5.  I am 99% sure I will not speak German before we leave!  Although it was one of my goals and in all honesty I should have tried much harder, I don't think grasping the language is in the cards for me.  To be fair however, the Germans would MUCH rather speak English to us than have us attempt to speak German and butcher their language.  So...I think I will just stick to my 5 or so words and be happy with that!

4. You have not been to a parade until you have been to a fasching parade (if you need to be reminded why check out Banana's to Bunt Cakes)

3.  I LOVE pumpkin!  Although I have always had a special place in my heart for "Pumpkin Stuff"..and if you ever tried it you know why, something about this year brought out the pumpkin fanatic in me!  I am not sure if it was the pumpkin festivals, the pumpkin creations (reminder here >), or to be honest the pinterest pumpkin recipes....but I still crave pumpkin at least once a week.  Good thing it is a fruit, right?

2.  Leiderhosen is harder to find than one might think!  We have decided that obtaining a pair of leiderhosen is a must (after all you can't live in Germany for three years and not have one).  Hover finding the right one has proven to be somewhat of a challenge for a couple of reasons.  First because although you can find women's Dirndels for under 50 euro (because they are mostly made of cotton) Leiderhosen has yet to be found for cheaper then 200 euro...even in the little man's size.  And secondly unlike popular opinion Leiderhosen is native to a specific state in Germany, so finding it in our area is almost impossible (except occasionally on base where the prices are hiked!)   But mark my words...next time we head south I will find one!!!


1.  Babies change EVERYTHING!  Little Landon has made 2012 one for the record books.  He has brought so much joy into our family and teaches me new things everyday.  2012 has shown me what real love is and will forever hold a special place in my heart! 

2013 has a lot in store for us and I can't wait to see what new experiences come our way...all of which I will share with you (boy are you LUCKY!)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Amber for keeping you blog going. I love reading about your family's experiences! Love you.....Aunt Patty

Mom Bird said...

AWww...how sweet! Missing you guys! Yes, babies do change everything! Your heart will never be the same! Love you more! Mom

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and blessed 2013 to you all!! Thanks for the great updates... love to read them! Miss you and God's Blessings to you!