A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reduce, Reuse......

Lovin' the Brats!

So I know I said that there are only a few things that Germans do better than Americans (The 3 B's if you will.... Beer, Brats, and Bathrooms) however, there is something else that I must mention...

That's right!  You guessed it....RECYCLING!!!

Germans are crazy with their recycling....

Just to keep up with the sorting we have re-decorated our tiny kitchen with 5 different trashcans (yes you read that right...5).  Recycling is much different here than in the US.  It is no longer optional to Recycle....in fact if you don't recycle you won't receive trash service.  So, in order to make things easy Germans have a color coded system....

*Yellow bags hold light weight material....which ranges from plastic bottles to metal cans and Styrofoam.
*Brown Cans hold the biodegradables.....egg shells, fruits and veggies, coffee-filters
*Blue Buckets contain  paper and cardboard
*White Containers hold Glass....which must be separated by color (this is the only one that you have to take to the recycling center yourself)
*Black Cans contain residual trash- pretty much anything else that does not contain any hazardous materials.   

All of which are collected on a rotating schedule curbside (for no extra fee)!!  Make sure that you have the correct items in the correct location however, because if there is one item out of place they will leave the entire Can on the curb for you to resort and try again next week. 

- Large items are also collected curbside.  There are designated "junking" days where you can leave anything on your curb (and when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING) and they will come and pick it up and take it to its proper location for you!

Since recycling is mandatory there is very little waste.  In fact that smallest trashcan is for the residual trash (and only collected every 3 weeks!).  This can holds everything which is deemed non-reusable and sent for heat and electricity generation.  At first it was a challenge to remember to sort everything out and remember to put it in its respective bin.  The first few weeks we were here our "trash" can was out of control because we were so used to just putting everything in.  Now however, we have discovered the method to the madness and are amazed at how much more eco friendly we have become.

*Interesting recycling note: Drinks that are sold individually; sodas, beer, etc. Come in glass bottles and are sold by the case.  When you finish the case you return it to the store with all of the empty glasses so that they can be sent back to their manufacturer for re-use.  Movie theaters and events where drinks are sold usually have empty cases by the exits so that you can deposit your empty drink bottles before you leave....no more cardboard cups or aluminum cans tossed into the trash. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish we could get that system implemented here in Wichita, KS - getting people to recycle is just incredibly hard here!!

Aunt Patty