A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Let me just go ahead and appologize now, my creative juices seem to be running a little low this week.....That being said, this weeks post outlines some of the little differences between Germans and Americans that catch us of guard everyday.


Flip flops and jeans shorts are a summer staple.

No flipping or flopping here….Summer fashion features the Manpri
aka Capri’s for men.

Ford F-150 extra extended cab’s are used  to pull heavy loads.

Livestock and hay bails are attached to Mercedes Bends Wagons. 

 No Shoes No Shirt.....no service!

No Shirt....No problem.
The bigger the beer belly the better….and they proudly show them off! 

 Yards are an extension of the home...often littered with tools and toys.

“Gardens” are impeccably groomed and gnomes stand guard in beautiful flower gardens.

Drive thru windows can be found around just about any corner.

Most stores have their own food truck parked outside to serve its patrons local meat and produce. The only fast food you can find is American (McDonalds, BK, and Subway)

Beef....It's what’s for dinner

Pork, pork, and more pork

Garages are usually big enough to house two cars and the boxes of stuff that you have been hording for the last 15 years.

Space is a commodity...therefore garages are (barely) big enough for one small car (with the side mirrors folded in). 

Once again it is the little things that have made the biggest difference and have made this journey all the more interesting!

*****P.S.  Happy Birthday to one of the the best little sisters in the world!  I love you Candace!*****

1 comment:

mama bird said...

Maybe I do need to move to Germany! I'd have to get rid of my stash before I came, and there wouldn't be any room to collect any more! Hard to believe that we'll be there in 2 weeks! Can't wait! Love you more! Mom