A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Friday, June 24, 2011

J'Adore Paris

ok...ok...I know that the suspenses is killing you.  I have been promising for several weeks now that my next adventure was going to be PARIS WITH THE PARENTS...so here it is!

Now I know why they say Paris is for lovers.....because I fell in love with EVERYTHING! 

Before we took off on our 5 hour bus ride (yes...we DO live THAT close to the magnificant city) I had a vision in my mind of what Paris was going to be like-  I pictured a city (much like any other) with the Eiffel tower poking out above the roof tops, Parisians ridding around with loafs of French bread sticking out of their bicycle baskets, and flowers lining museum streets.   However, the second we drove within the city limits I quickly realized that there was no way I could have ever imagined the kind of city I was about to encounter....becuase I didn't know that such enchanting places existed outside of Disney movies. 

You know you are about to encounter something grand when within 2 hours drive time you have paid over 70 Euro (about $120) in toll road fees and find yourself bumper to bumper with more than one Aston Martin. As we drove into the city I was beyond excited (more so I think about the fact that I was going to be able to say that I had been to Paris than about the city itself) and quickly found myself face to face with some of the most magnificant architecture I had ever seen.  There were miles upon miles of old grand buiding adorned with pillars and sculptures dating back further than I could conceve.  The cobblestone streets were lined with rows of venders selling everything from art to literature and statues of Gods and Goddeses stood guard on the corners.  Everywhere you look there was something that took your breath away.

From the Louve: Which is composed of several wings that span blocks upon blocks

To the Arc de Triomphe: which guards the greatest shopping know to man..The Champs Elyssese (if only I had one the lottery before we went)

To Notre-Dame:  One of the most beautiful cathedrals on the face of the earth.  This also marks the center of France...The place from which everything else is measured!

To the river front: For those of you who don't know (don't feel bad because I didn't either), Paris began as an Island city....They used the river as a fortress to protect the city from envasions.

And don't forget the Eiffel tower: One of the most photographed spots in the world....which I learned was almost destroyed because the French HATED it.

I must admit that even though we were only there for a day (don't worry...I will definately go back) this was one of the most memorable places that I have ever been.......

and I am only just begining- stay tuned for more Paris fun! 

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