A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lines, Leashes, and the Louvre! Amber's Guide to Paris....

If looking at the pictures on the previous blog made you consider a Paris vacation of your very own, I'm sure you are not alone.  However, if you are going to make the long trek across the ocean there are a few things that I think you should be prepared for...


Unless you have reservations it takes about a 3 1/2 hour wait in line to ride the elevators to the top of the Eiffel tower (something I will do before we leave)!  Although I am sure the view is well worth it there are MANY other things that I would rather spend my time doing.  BUT...the choice is yours...just don't say I didn't warn you.

If you want to visit the Louvre make sure that you have more than a few hours- I am pretty sure that it would take a full day just to walk from one end to the other (and that is without stopping to look at any of the art).  If you want to visit the most famous piece housed there, and if you know anything about Paris or art in general you can probably guess what that is (Candace...here is a hint, The Mona Lisa :), there is another hour plus wait in line.

Make sure that you have a trusted driver.....or take the subway.  I am still not sure how we made it through the day without being hit!  Although round abouts are convenient they can cause quite the traffic mess.  I am just glad that we were sitting toward the middle of the bus so that I was not able to witness the hundreds of smart cars and motor scooters squeezing in and darting out in front of us. 

And if you think the traffic is bad....you should see the crowds.  Given, we went there on a summer weekend, but you almost needed flippers to get through the sea of people.  This might be the only place that I could accept the "child leash" (and not just for children either). 

Good luck finding a room with a view....  Hotels within the historical districts frequently cost upwards of $1,000 a night (and no that does not include a free breakfast buffet) and sometime have to be reserved a year in advance.  The good news is that you could probably do more than one type of star gazing during your stay. 

You can get a free Louis Vuitton bag just for walking into the famous store on the corner of the Champs Elysees!!  Although in order to receive this gift make sure that you walk in on a rainy day with a dripping wet umbrella.....ok so maybe it was more of a sac with the LV initials than an actual bag, but hey I'm sure it is the closest I will ever get to owning one.

Getting service is easy...just make sure you practice your best "Bonjour" before you set out.  Using this simple phrase makes all the difference in the world.  The French are big on their manners, so be prepared to be ignored until you use this little greeting with anyone (and everyone) you encounter.  In other words....they are only rude to you if you are rude to them (The French often get an unwarented bad rap).

Amber's Guide... Worked for Me!!!!

So as long as you keep these little things in mind as you book your tickets your vacation should be worry free :)   Oh, and don't forget to call if you are that close....Maybe we can squeeze you in for dinner!

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