A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The stuff Fairy Tales are made of

It is amazing how much history you miss out on growing up in the U.S. Now….don’t get me wrong, history was always one of my least favorite subjects, but I have to say that it is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of things without it. This weekend we took our first “real” trip to the German town of Heidelberg. We hopped on the train (with a guide in tow of course) at 7 and by 8:30 I felt as though we had been transported back to the time when fairytales were alive. We found ourselves walking along cobble streets, surrounded by forests and vineyards, lined with old buildings and guarded by castles (yes, REAL castles!).

Don’t believe me…click here for more pictures!

After a brief tour of the city, where we encountered market squares, choclolatiers, and statues dating back to the 15th century, we set out up the hillside to the Heidelberg Castle!
Even now it is hard to believe that people used to live like this, where castles were more than just Disney adventures. It is an amazing feeling you get walking through the vast courtyards and ruins of watch towers and thinking about the lives the people who lived in these walls lead. Going to places like this seems to bring out a since of enchantment I never felt before.

Oh yea…. And before I forget (on a little lighter note) the Heidelberg castle also houses the largest wine barrel ever filled…..and emptied!

*If you look closely you can see me down there at the bottom!*

I came to many realizations on this weekend adventure. One, Germans LOVE their sweets; on almost ever corner you can find a small bakery loaded with cakes and chocolate dipped creations….much better than a Walgreens if you ask me. Two, fairy tales are not just stories created to enchant little girls. And three, stepping out of my comfort zone is going to be a much more rewarding and live altering experience than I ever imagined possible.

We were transported back in time….long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue... where history became much more than a page in a book!

1 comment:

mama bird said...

So glad you're beginning to get out and see the countryside! You will not regret getting to spend time there and will have experiences you will be able to relate to your children and grandchildren. Although it is hard to have you so far away, you are always close at heart and I know you are in God's hand, which is all that matters anyway! Have fun, enjoy life and find places to take me!!!! Love you more!