A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Buckle Up!

So, I have officially been driving in Germany for almost a month now, and let’s just say that it is a good thing they drive on the right side of the road.

For those of you interested in obtaining a European license there are a few things I think you should know in advance...

1) Germans drive really fast....and by fast I mean that while I am in the slow lane of the autobahn going 85, I feel as though I am being passed while standing still.
2) Roundabouts are everywhere....literally, on almost ever intersection. I have found this to be both good and bad. Good because if you miss your turn, just go around in a circle, and there you are again! Bad because it is really easy to get turned around (after so many circles it is hard to remember which direction you are going.
3) Lights turn yellow before they turn green. I believe this is so that everyone is ready to floor it the exact second it becomes there turn.
4) They park in the middle of the street. No joke here.....somehow it is legal to turn a tiny two way street into a maze barely big enough for a small car. (someday I will post a video of this because I don't think you can fully understand what I am talking about without seeing it first hand.)

5) All cars are tiny. Just think about this... mini-vans the size of smart cars. My midsize American car feels like a limo here!
6) They don't use stop signs (ok they do but I am yet to find them). At every intersection you are required to yield to the person coming from your right. It doesn't matter if you are on a freeway and they are coming out of the supermarket parking lot...if they are on you right...YIELD. This sounds ok...except for the fact that you will be driving at least 45 mph trying to determine if someone else is coming...and don't even think about slowing down because the person tailgating you will not hesitate to bump you along.
7) If you see the word STU, turn around immediately. This is the German word for traffic jam....and let me tell you there are NOT fun.

So if you feel the need for speed or are just up for a good old fashioned joy ride…come and visit. I will be happy to take you out for a spin!

Oh and for those of you who missed it... here is a picture of our new car!

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