A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Imagine if you will...

I am pretty sure that I have a whole new perspective on what paradise looks like. Just close your eyes and imagine with me if you will (ok so I know you can’t close your eyes and read at the same time, but pretend all the same :)…

You are sitting at a lake front cafĂ© eating a rostie* and sipping on red wine. Directly in front of you there are swans dancing on top of crystal clear waters, sail boats quietly drifting along, and waves, rippling just soft enough to put you to sleep. To your right there is an old wooden bridge (the chapel bridge, built in 1333 to be exact) decorated with local art and beautiful green moss that has built up over time. On the other side of the bridge you can clearly see the steeples of an old church, nestle between the most beautiful buildings you could imagine. On the cobbled streets that surround you there are local farmers selling everything from flowers to cheese and the smell of homemade bread drifts along with the breeze. Off on the horizon you see rolling green hills decorated with the most beautifully charming houses you have ever seen. And just when you think it can’t get any better, you look up to the mountains. The Alps are encircling the city like its protector, nestling it safe between a soft blanket of snow, and peaking out of the clouds as if they were an extension of heaven. You can hear marching bands playing off in the distance and if you come at just the right time yodelers can be found in the town square.

It is easy to see why Lucerne Switzerland is one of the most beautiful cities in the WORLD (literally….it is usually listed as one of the top ten).

After a few pinches to make sure that I have not travelled here in a dream, I realize just how lucky I am to be able take in all that Lucerne has to offer. However, besides the old architecture and the charming atmosphere, there was one other thing that we encountered in Lucerne which simply took my breath away…and no, it was not the smell of cheese…

-The “Dying Lion of Lucerne” is one of the world’s most famous monuments, and literally took my breath away when I rounded the corner. It was hewn out of natural rock in commemoration of the heroic death of the Swiss mercenaries and has been described as “the saddest and most poignant pieces of rock in the world (Mark Twain).” It magnitude and beauty are unlike anything else I have ever laid eyes on.

So, if you are looking for a magical getaway or just an enchanted evening…hop aboard the Lucerne train (just make sure you bring LOTS of francs….beauty comes with a price) or simply click here to view of this little piece of paradise!

*What is a rostie you ask? It is one of Switzerland’s famous dishes. Perfectly crisp hash browns doted with just about anything you can imagine…meat, cheese, vegetables… I know what you are thinking, sounds like your everyday breakfast, but let me tell you when the Swiss cheese is fresh from the farm, and the concoction is baked to perfection, it becomes the most delicate meal, perfect for the setting.

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