A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Honey I'm Home

Guess What…..I AM BACK J
Now I know that you were super excited about the Guest bloggers- and don’t get me wrong they did an EXCELLENT job (and it was nice to give up the duties for a little while), but nothing compares to the original now does it!  Lucky for you I am back and here to stay (at least until I can bribe someone else to write again). 

And the topic of Choice....FRANKFURT

We have visited Frankfurt at least 9 times since we moved to Germany and I have yet to designate a blog to one of Germany’s bigger cities.  OK…so maybe when I say visit I mean drove to the airport picked someone up (or dropped them off) and turned around and came back home.  Even though we live a little over an hour away we hadn’t really dove into the heart of the city… until recently. 

We decided (ok…I will credit my mom for the idea), that instead of just driving up there, dropping Lindsey off for her flight back to the States, and then turning right back around and coming home, maybe we could spend the day exploring.  Why Nate & I had never thought of this I still don’t know.  After all it makes the trip a little more enjoyable :)  and I don’t think we would have ever forgiven ourselves if we spent so much time here and never took advantage of the opportunity!

We visited the cities Altstadt (old city center for those of you who haven't quite gotten a grip on the German language) which housed the Dom St. Bartolomau; in whose chapels the emperors of the Holy Empire were elected and crowned for nearly 300 years, and the Romerburg; a collection of Gothic buildings with stepped gables.

We ate a yummy Italian meal, and surprising I opted for something other than the fabulous Pizza :)

We "toured" the city by boat.  That's right....Landon got to enjoy his first boat ride (and by ride I mean NAP).

But mostly we simply enjoyed walking amongst the cobble streets and old buildings enjoying time with family!
Oh and in case you were wondering….YES it is OK to be jealous of an infant.  After all he is getting to have all of these amazing experiences (which he will never remember).  But as I tell Nate, as he cringes at the camera- WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE PICTURES. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed our visit there...I'm glad you organized my pictures, 'cuz all of the churches and buildings started running together...couldn't keep each town's attractions straight! Love you guys and miss you! Mom