A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Inside these Walls

As we are waiting for our little Landon's passport to arrive we are FORCED to stick to remaining within the countries borders.  So, this weekend we sucked it up and decided to make the most of the situation and  traveled to one of the most well preserved medieval cities Germany has to offer, Rothenburg.

We jumped in the car, threw the stroller in the trunk and set out on our two hour journey.  We had heard several good things about  the city and were itching to get back on the road (after all it has been at least 2 months since we have adventured out somewhere new).  When we arrived we were immediately enchanted by the charming little town.

Rothenburg is one of the only cities in Germany that is still surrounded by its original fortress walls.  In fact the walls are so well preserved you can still walk the walls around the city to this day.  However, for some reason when they were built the contractors must have forgotten to accommodate for strollers, so we were content with walking along the bottom of the wall instead of climbing the winding steps to the narrow pathway along the top. 

Not only are its walls a sight in themselves the charming town is littered with magnificent churches, old ornate buildings, and one of a kind clock towers.  We strolled the town for a few hours, stopping along the way to eat a traditional German lunch (brats and Schnitzel of course), check out the nic-nac shops in the market square, simply take in the atmosphere on a beautiful spring day. 

Along with its old world charm Rothenburg is also home to several interesting museums.  Since we had our little man along we decided not to press our luck and agreed upon visiting only one of the many options in front of us.  We passed up the Christmas museum (and if you know how much I love Christmas this is quite an accomplishment) and headed straight for the criminal museum (which we have seen advertised for the past year or so).  This museum which held many of the ancient instruments that were used to torture those who broke the law and provided a very strong insight on just how different the lives of the people who lived within these walls must have been.  After all you could be forced to stand at the stake and endure public mockery for several hours simply for putting off sweeping your chimney. 

We had a great day exploring a new city and were reminded of just how lucky we are to get to make these memories together!


Anonymous said...

this looks like a place we may have to visit! Maybe we can take in the Christmas museum! Landon is turning into quite the little traveller already. Can't wait until I can do a little travelling with you! Love you all! Mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Landon is fitting in well with his traveling parents!! I know your mom is looking forward to her visit!! Enjoy every moment!! Landon is growing already!! He is the cutest monkey I ever did see!! God Bless you all!!
Love Sherri41