A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Saturday, May 19, 2012

History Among Us!

Often times when Americans think of Germany the first thing that comes to mind is WWII... and rightfully so.  Yet since we have been here we haven't really encountered to much war memorabilia (I think it is safe to say that it is not necessarily one of Germany's proudest moments).  However, since we live less than an hour away from the French boarder our house sits smack dab in the middle of much of the action so it was just a matter of time until something came up. 

Now, for those of you who know me might be wondering why I am delving into such a history lesson. (given that history IS my strongest subject and all :)  but have no fear...

I bring this up only because every once in a while you find your self face first with the unexpected, and this week was a little reminder of this. 

This past week, during a construction project downtown, crews ran into an unexploded bomb from WWII.  Yes you read that right- a 250 lb. lethal bomb has been sitting in the center of town for decades.  Now, I am positive that crews have become experts in safely removing these devices (in fact they only evacuated a small square of homes while they worked to defuse the situation and took less than 2 hours) however just knowing that these things are still out there is a little daunting.  In the time we have been here we have "heard" of at least 8 different unexploded ordinances being found within a 20 mile radius of our home.  This makes you wonder just exactly how many bombs were dropped and how many must be out there yet to be discovered.... A little scary if you ask me, especially since we live on the edge of a forested area that I am sure doesn't go through routine reconstruction in order to uncover said divides.

Just a "small" reminder of how much the choices we make today affect our future.

And just in case you needed a little love in your day.... 

1 Month Old

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