A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Monday, September 12, 2011

Let the Festivities Begin!!!

 American's may have tailgating and state fairs but when it comes to having a good time nothing compares to a German festival. It is safe to say that since we have been here there has been a different festival in one village or another (within a 30 mile radius) every single weekend! Germans take pride in what they do...and what better way to celebrate a job well done than with festivities!!!

These festivals usually include more beer and food than you could imagine, carnival rides and games, parades,singing and dancing, and Germans sporting their traditional garb...That's right ladies and gentlemen they actually wear the lederhosen in public!

Just to highlight how many festivals actuall take place every year, here is a list of festivals in our area that are taking place in the month of September.....

Pig Fest
Wine Fes
Beer Fest
Music Fest
Apple Fest
Plum Butter Fest
Stat (City) Fest
And last but not least…Oktoberfest (which is actually held in September)!

We have been getting our fill of festivities, as it is fun to soak up the local culture and take in some German history, all while having a great time!  The Germans are more than welcome to share in the festivities with their American visitors …as long as we have come prepared to celebrate German style!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! Couldn't see the pix last night, but can today! You shouldn't ever run out of things to do! People keep asking me if you're enjoying Germany....I tell them you're taking advantage of every opportunity! Love you more! Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber and Nate,
Another great post! Love hearing about all the goings on in Germany! Enjoy! Miss you and love you!