A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Friday, August 26, 2011

The bigger the better!

Sooo...I have been putting off this weeks blog because once again my creative juices seemed to be clogged (and not to mention I also started my LAST semester of grad school...hopefully)

That being said I did manage to scrounge up a few facts you  might find interesting about the EURO
  • The smallest paper bill is 5 Euro- No one dollar bills here!
  • As the amount of the bill goes up so does its size- a 5 euro is smaller in size than a 10 euro, which is smaller in size than a 20 euro, and so on.
  • Bills range from 5 Euro all the way up to 500 Euro! (If you see a purple one pass it along!)
  • Each bill is a different color- red, blue, green, brown, yellow
  • Coins range in value from .01 Euro cents to 2 Euro dollars. These also get larger as the amount increases.
  • Although the 1 and 2 Euro coins seem to be much more effective and efficient than bills it also makes a huge difference in the weight of your wallet. Hauling around 4 Euro in coins in much heavier than slipping 4 dollar bills into your back pocket.
  • .01 Euro cents is about half the size of the American penny (and you thought it was easy for you to loose money between the couch cushions)
  • The Euro is the monetary unit of choice in all European countries except for Switzerland and England- this makes traveling to other countries very easy!
  • If one euro were to equal one U.S. dollar the prices of goods between the two countries would be very similar.

HOWEVER, since it currently takes about $1.50 to buy 1 Euro suddenly everything seems to get expensive for us Americans. At first it doesn't seem so bad…. but after you spend 40 euro on dinner for two (sounds about normal right!) and get home and do the math you realize that the schnitzel and brat you just ate really wasn't worth 60 of your hard earned dollars.

That being said we still pay Dollars (on base) for the majority of things we purchase...unless we are going out to eat or traveling.  Not only is it cheaper for us but it also ensures that we are able to read the labels once we get home!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Amber! How colorful when checking out at the register. I would say there's no way to get confused if your eyesight isn't as good as it once was! Love you! Jan

Anonymous said...

Once again really enjoy reading about all of your adventures! Good luck with Grad school and enjoy your time away! Miss you and love you!