A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chocolate and Lace

So we have officially been in Germany for 4 months now and have already had the opportunity to explore 5 different countries (insert pinch here)!  It is still amazing to me given that for the first 22 years of my life I had never left our beautiful countries boarders.  (Just in case you were wondering my grand total now is 9!).  With each new adventure comes new and extremely eye opening experiences.  My horizons have been broadened farther than I ever could have imagined and I can’t wait to see what the next four months have in store for me.     

This weekend we traveled to Brugge, Belgium!

Real Belgiun Waffles!!
Now, I will be honest the only thing that I really knew about Belgium before Saturday was that they are great at making waffles.  What I soon found out however was that not only are the waffles AMAZING, the history and atmosphere are unmatched.

We arrived early afternoon and were immediately surrounded by chocolate shops (Belgium Dark Chocolate is beyond delicious), lace factories, and architecture dating back to the 13th century. We enjoyed tasting the local food (at least I did…Nate opted for a steak), shopped in the local markets, tasted the local brew, and took in the art (Which included Michelangelo’s Madonna and Child).

Brugge proved to be one of the grandest cities that I have ever visited.  I was floored by the beauty and inspired by the culture.  Not only do I now have a greater appreciation for the waffles, I have a new found fondness for this small country on the coast.

What is next you ask???  PARIS WITH THE PARENTS!


1 comment:

Aunt Kitty said...

Amber, I love seeing Germany and the surrounding countries through your eyes! Keep writing - we all enjoy it!