A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fit for a King

Now I know what you all are thinking….do I have to sit and read another story about a fantastical adventure????

The answer this week is no! Those of you feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the fairy tales of perfect palaces will be happy to know that this weekend’s adventure was anything but fantasy. You see that is because over the weekend we were transported back to a time when torturous acts enhanced the dinner atmosphere and swards were used as more than decoration.  Back to a time when hands were washed in buckets and water was fetched from wells.  Back to the medieval times when drinking with dinner was a requirement, punishable by law, and the only utensils available were the ten digits you came with. 

We were invited to dinner at the larger than life Cochem castle!  The Cochem castle is situated atop a hill in the Morsal valley surrounded by miles upon miles of vinyards.  It is one of the few castles in southern Germany that is not in ruins. As we entered the castle we were greeted by butlers and maids who presented us with a mug of the local wine (sorry…no fancy wine glasses here), hot soup, and the biggest turkey legs served on a wooden plate that I had ever seen (and ever want to see for that matter).  They lugged around bread and water in huge buckets balanced carefully on their shoulders and entertained us with the local customs. 

I thought I would share some of the Rules of the table in case you wanted to recreate a medieval dinner of your own.
  •  Dagger and fingers are used to eat from the board and an earthenware pot is for drinking.Fanfares of trumpets and beating of drums herald the entry of the meal.  Eat well and oft until thou canst eat no more.  Let all hear thy enjoyment of the food.
  • During the feast a minstrel will perform for the entertainment and amusement of the assembled company.
  • Well mannered and courteous behavior by all present is required at al time.
  • If any person does not obey this order or pushes or jostles his neighbor at the table or pilfers tasty morsels from his neighbor and drinks his wine or bespatters his neighbors clothing or damages it in anyway, that person shall forfeit his drinking bowl.
  • If any dispute should arise amongst the guests, prithee refrain from taking hold of chair legs, stools or any other dangerous implement.  Rather conduct thyself in a manner befitting to such an honorable and respectable assemblage.
  • If any person should fail to savor such excellent victuals in a proper manner (that is to say if anyone should dare eat too little) or if any person should exhibit a gloomy countenance that person shall suffer the ignominy of being dragged out of the hall on a cow hide.
I must admit that even though we didn't experience a fairy tale in the Disney sense of the word, we could not have had more fun! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Amber and Nate!! God Bless you both!!
Love Ya,