A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Monday, March 28, 2011

Feeling Fancy!

We got to put another pin in our world map this weekend!!! This time it poked right through a little country commonly known as France. Honestly, we could have gone there to see a mound of dirt and I would still have been excited. There is just something so fun about saying that we are spending the day in France that I didn’t really care what the city had in store for us.

Now before you get all excited and overly jealous I should let you know that Paris was not our destination city (although we will be visiting there sooner rather than later). Our journey this weekend took us to Strasbourg, the capital of the Alsace region. After just a short 2 hour bus ride from our house we found ourselves surrounded by tall church steeples and endless amounts of fresh baguettes!

After a tour of the city, which included picturesque buildings, cobblestone roads, and market squares, we climbed our way to the top of the 3rd tallest cathedral in the world! Once we made it to the top and caught our breath (I am pretty sure the stairs were literally endless) we were awarded with a majestic view of the old city. As we looked down on all of the old buildings lined up in neat little rows I once again found myself in awe of the experiences that I have been afforded. I still am not sure how a shy girl from small town America ended up with such a big adventurous life, but am definitely determined to make the most of it.

After our climb down we were rewarded with a taste of all that is French. From Tarte Flambee and backeouffe (local dishes) to chocolate Crepes and local wine each bite was delicious! Although the sights and tastes were unforgettable I have to admit that the funnest part of the trip came through phrases like Bonjour, Merci, and Bon Appetite. It is amazing how fancy you feel when these phrases roll off your tongue (ok maybe more like stumble than roll).

So on your way home pick some French Bread, pour a glass of wine, turn on some polka, click here (for more pictures) and transport yourself to Strasbourg for a night :)

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