A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boxes, boxes, and more boxes!

So we are officially moved in! We got all of our stuff last Friday and have been unpacking ever since. You never realize how much stuff you have until it is all sitting in front of you in boxes just begging to be let free again. I will admit that I do not mind unpacking, especailly because they move everything in and set up the furniture, all I have to do is organize and decorate!!! If you ask Nate, he will say that moving is easy.....that is because all he has to do is set up his TV and relax. For some reason unpacking brings out the OCD I never knew I had. It is much easier and more efficient if I unpack it all and put it where it goes (ok....so where it goes is where I want it) than let Nate help and just have to move everything again later on. I was a little scepticle about how our things would fit into our new home, but other than the Kitchen (which is packed to the brim) everthing seems to fit nicely. I am still waiting to get internet at home (which SHOULD happen early next week) but once I do I will post picutres of our lovely abode.

Things are starting to feel somewhat normal again now that we have all of our stuff back. However, there are a few kinks that we are still trying to work out......

*We get 400+ chanels free on our TV.......but only 2 of them are in English, and they are British news channels.

*We bought a BRAND new computer before we left Missisppi....which doesn't take 22o V. so we have to buy a transformer (the two the AF gave us are already in use on other appliances) for $150.

*We lost the pendulum to our clock (sorry Aunt Kitty) so now it ticks rather loudly....don't worry I am already looking into ordering a new one! *Although I will admit that this is the only thing that got lost or broken- overall a pretty successfull journey across the ocean!*

*Our cell phones only get signal on the top floor of our house. Although, once we get internet and a house phone (that's right they still have those here) this will not be that big of a deal.

P.S I still haven't figured out how to change the spell check language back to English, and I am using a computer that doesn't have word to check it for me.....so don't judge me for the spelling errors (of which I am confident there are many!)

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