A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shaking like a leaf

I can't believe that December is already here. Normally, I could would be more than happy to turn the page on the calendar to see a couple of puppies in Santa hats, or a tree glistening in lights...but this year the feeling is much, much different. This year I feel like a leaf.....you know the last tiny leaf that clings to tree with all its might, hoping that it's fate is different than all the leaves that hung before it. Thinking that maybe if it holds on tight enough it will survive another year and escape the bitterness of the winter floor (Not that I would know anything about leaves falling, considering it has not even gotten cold enough for the leaves to change color here in good ol' Mississippi), but none the less that is the feeling I have. Not because of the changing of the seasons or the dropping of the temperatures, but because of the events that will be transpiring over the next month or so. I am attempting to hold on tight to each and every day and cherish my time here in the "tree" before I am let loose on this unexpected path. (That's right ladies and gentlemen....in less than 2 weeks we will be packing up our things and setting out on this 3 year adventure.)

The closer we get to our move date the more aware I become of the differences between my life in America and the one that awaits me. (*After all, how am I supposed to Live without my Monday night fix of the Bachelor?) To this I owe thanks to all the people out there who have been doing their "research" and filling me in on the details of my soon to be life. Now...considering the majority (ok maybe all) of this information is coming from sources who have never set foot on German soil I am not promising their accuracy, but thought they would be fun to share none the less.
* The majority of people do not own dryers and it is illegal to hang your clothes out where someone might see them (which leads this source to believe that laundry is not done very often)

* Germans are nosey...so it is essential to keep your blinds closed!
* Dogs are allowed EVERYWHERE ( and yes that includes grocery stores)
* There are over 1500 types of sausages....I can see you licking your lips already
* Germans answer the phone with their surname instead of "Hello". Weird!
* If you are looking for an apartment beware. Un-furnished means no furniture, cabinets, closets, light fixtures or toilets!
*I am sure that this is the tip of the ice burg so be looking for more fun and interesting facts to come!

Although, I am taking a huge leap of faith by letting go of the branches, the truth is maybe blowing in the wind is where we are supposed to be.

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