A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We are Moving Where????

As many of you know Nate and I have recently been given orders to Sembach Air Base in Germany. I have not been more scared and excited for anything in my life. Never in a million years would I have imagined my life taking this turn, however, given no other options I have decided to embrace the experience to the fullest. And what better way to prepare myself than by sharing my experience with my closest family and friends.

Although the intention of this blog is to share my experiences of living in a foreign country...everything from language and life style to food and travel. I decided that (in the words of Julie Andrews) I would "start from the very begining, a very good place to start."

The moment I received the news three things immediately ran through my mind.....
  1. You have to be joking...no really where are we going? Although I knew that there was a small chance that our next assignment would be over-seas I never thought that it would really happen. Even though it was not April Fools Day I knew that Nate had to be pulling my leg...however, after several minutes of repeating himself in the most serious voice possible I came to the realization that he was not joking.
  2. This is not happening to me right now.......... I was just getting used to the idea of living outside of New Mexico and coming to terms with the fact that green chili would no longer be a staple of my diet. How was I going to move so far away from my roots without going through an emotional breakdown? (which by the way I am still not sure is possible....)
  3. Where in the world is Germany? (Obviously geography is not my strongest subject). To be honest, I still have to look at a map of the United States sometimes, so picturing Gemany on a map was obviously not happening. So... once I settled down a little I jumped online and started my research. Just in case you were wondering...

So after some basic research, a few hours of panicking, and a couple of long comforting conversations with those closest to me, I realized that in a few short months my life would be changing for ever. And that is where the chaos began............

So I hope you log on, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

Now, I hope you are not getting the idea that this is going to be a daily, or even weekly effort to involve you in every detail of our journey. Although I am beyond excited to share my jouney with you, I am not promising anything.

1 comment:

mama bird said...

No matter how far away...you will always be close at heart! Love you more!