A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mummy Dogs!

Now, before you get all high and mighty let me explain....  I promised that I was going to try and post more often, and I did... for all of three weeks.  Then, you my friends, are the ones that were slacking.  If you recall in my last post I asked for a little help.  And to be fair I guess what I got was a LITTLE help.  In the first week after my post I got all of two e-mails with yummy soup recipes- you sure do know how to make a girl feel the love :)  Therefore, I determined it was you that needed to catch up on the blogging, NOT ME. 

So, what has happened in the last couple of weeks.... well not much to be honest.  Landon had his first half birthday and started on "solid" foods, we went to our weekly festival (the Kaiserslautern fall fest), and we had our first Halloween together. 

Now, I know what you are thinking,  didn't you tell us last year that German's don't celebrate Halloween.  Well, you are right!  So let me enlighten you a little on the fun that is Halloween overseas. 

The preparation begins months in advance when you order a costume on-line hoping that it will not only fit but arrive on time.  Once the costume arrives you try it on (inevitably it is too big because you were afraid that if you ordered the correct size it would not fit, but too big is always better than too small, right?).  When the big day finally arrives you scarf down some mummy dogs (after all its the only day of the year you can get away with eating pigs in a blanket as an adult) put your costume on and head to base... along with all 50,000 other American families.  Once you make it on base the evening goes a little something like this.  Creep along at 3 mph through hoards of ghosts and goblins till you find a friend nice enough to let you park in their valuable driveway space,  unpack the car and let the fun begin.....  you head out to trick or treat!!  Imagine this.... literally walking down the street to any house gracious enough to supply candy.  You stand in a line (of at least 20 kids) until it is your turn to say trick or treat, upon which the supplier will drop one Tootsie roll in your bag...that's right all that work for one little candy!!  No knocking on the door or ringing the bell, no one waiting to great you with a huge bowl of candy and waiting till you pick out your favorite piece, and definitely no "awesome" neighbours handing out full size bars.  And not that I blame the residents, after all Nate and his friend (who lives on base) handed out over 25 bags of candy in less than an hour (and mind you that is one piece per little treater).  I honestly feel bad for the amount of money the people on base have to spend in order to provide the entire American population in Germany a little taste of home on such a memorable day of the year. 

The good side of this madness however, is that you gets to see LOTS of fun and crazy costumes in a short amount of time!!  However, I have to admit that although there were some great costumes  I would have to admit that my little monkey made my night!! 

So next time you feel like calling me out on my blogging consistency.. think twice. Oh yea, it might be a while before I blog again because Landon gets to meet his Grandpa Bird in less than 3 days!!!!  And in a little over a week he will get to touch down on American soil for the first time!!


Mom Bird said...

Wow! You give out lots of candy! That would be really expensive, especially because you don't have a Sam's or Costco nearby! The BX must have a huge shipment of candy come in. Loved the Landon pix. Looks like he's really interested in all of the fall decos! Can't wait to see you...love you more!

Anonymous said...

What fun!!! I plan on emailing crock pot recipes for soup....but I'm a bit slow! I'll also send the link for TONS of crock pot ideas! I know you are so excited with the upcoming trip & your dad should be there now. You are posting pixs before you head back...right?

Anonymous said...

How cute is that little guy??? So looking forward to seeing you and little Landon! Have a great and safe flight!! Hope you enjoyed your dad! God bless you and see you soon!!

Love Ya,