A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Monday, April 2, 2012

Clearing the Air

April has arrived!!  I feel like the past nine months have flown by but taken ages at the same time.  I am so excited to meet our little Landon this month and can't wait to see how much he is going to add to our family!  Although it is EXTREMELY nerve racking to be giving birth so far from home (aka...my mommy), I do think it is pretty awesome for Landon to be able to say he was born in Germany.  That being said, I though I would answer a few questions about his overseas birth that those who love us seem to be pondering.

*Will he have dual Citizenship?
- Because he will be born on a Military base, which is considered "American Soil," to two American parents he will be 100% red, white, and blue.  In fact, even if he was born in a German hospital (which happens quite often here) he would still only hold American Citizenship. Although you might think this is a bummer at first it will relieve a lot of headaches in the future....and still allow him to run for President someday!

* Does he need a Passport?
- Within 2 weeks of his arrival, Little Landon has to have his official passport picture taken so that he can remain in the country with us for more than 90 days!  This makes me smile because by the time his passport is processed and makes it to our mailbox he will probably look nothing like the little angel in the photo!

* Why didn't you give him a German name?
-Well, lets just be honest here.  We looked at tons and tons of names and originally wanted to give him a German name so that he would forever be tied to his birth place, however, although there are many cute German girl names, we had a hard time accepting the boys options.

* Are you nervous about having him in a military hospital?
- Lets just put it this way.  We are definitely not alone out here.  In Nate's unit alone (which I believe has about 400 airman) last year there were over 70 babies born.  And remember in our area there are over 50,000 Americans so if you do the math you will know that we are in very experienced hands. 

And just to add to the fun- Some interesting facts about babies born in Germany!

In several German cities, local government keeps a list of acceptable names for the newborns. Parents must choose a name from it, otherwise file a form compelling their reason asking for a non-listed name, a custom that is kept in an effort to protect children from potential ridicule after parents choose exotic or misspelled name. *Not a bad idea if you ask me*

Although it is not as widely practiced as it used to be, when little girls are born it is custom to plant two trees!  The family tends to the trees as the girl grows until the time she is ready to marry.  At this time the trees are chopped down and the wood is sold to help pay for her wedding. 

Paid maternity leave for women begins 6 weeks before her due date and lasts until 8 weeks after the baby is born.  They are also awarded three years of unpaid leave during which her job MUST be held.  The first two years must be taken immediately after the baby is born, however the third year can be held and used anytime during the child's life (up to 18) and may also be transferred to the father!

So wish us luck as we begin this new journey of a lifetime.... and pray for a short and easy delivery!


Anonymous said...

Wow! They have generous maternity leave....love it! Also like that European countries keep a list of acceptable names! It might save some children embarrassment in the USA! By the way...please don't change your mind about Landon's name! I'm sure we can do without a Hans! Wood must be very expensive there! ....if they think that 2 trees would pay for a wedding! Can't wait to be there! Love you more! Mom

Anonymous said...

John and I are getting so excited for the birth of your son.. I know your mom is so ready to be there with you both and her new grandson! You will be in our thoughts and prayers.... Love you and Nate and are so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Three years?! That's awesome. Can you have Landon tomorrow? The seventh is a wonderful day. Hope you're doing well, birdy. Can't wait to see photos. Xo