A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Monday, January 30, 2012

Safety First!

So I have tried to upload videos in the past with no luck.... But we were lucky enough to get a new video camera for Christmas (thanks mom and dad), so I thought I would try again.  If this works than I am almost positive that you will be in for lots of little treats to come :)

Let me set the stage for you here:

Sunday we jumped in our car for our last little get away before baby Landon enters our lives, and drove down to Southern Germany.  Ironically we have not seen any snow this winter and Nate was itching to get on his snowboard, so we decided to take a week long vacation in the state of Bavaria.

Anyways since I always talk about how fun the autobaun is....I though that I would try to video a snipit of German driving.  So buckle up and enjoy :)

Although this is not the best video- how is it that everytime you want to show something to someone it never seems quite as good as what you see when you are alone- I think it gives you a good idea of the need for speed around here!

Let me know how the video worked for you!


Anonymous said...

Video worked good on your page. Camera operator may need a little more OJT. Dad.

Anonymous said...

OMG they have a slow, med, and fast lane! I may feel safer in the back seat! I got it finished and will be sending Landon his gift shortly! Love ya, Jan

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is something!! The video worked great and we could see how fast they are going!! Thanks for the great updates!!
Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

Couldn't find the video...but the computer is acting up tonight. I'll try again tomorrow. There are many good things about the autobahn. It some ways it is way safer than our interstates! Love, Mom