A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Five Golden Rings..or something like that!

Unfortunately the “Holidays” are now officially behind us.  With the marking of the last day of the twelve days of Christmas, or Three Kings day as it is known here in Germany, it is unfortunately time to put the tinsel away and focus on the gifts of the new year. 
Before I officially bring a close to my favorite season, however, I must dedicate one more blog to the awesomeness that is the holiday season.
Now when I was a kid (ok ..maybe up until this year if we are going to be honest). I thought that the twelve days of Christmas were the twelve days leading up to THE big day on December 25th, during which presents would appear and joy would be abundant.  This could be due to the fact that I had awesome parents who randomly set out small presents for us to open the entire month of December (how else would I have gotten such an amazing ornament collection).  This year however, I learned that the twelve days of Christmas actually come after the big day.  They historically refers to the time between Christmas and the Epiphany!
I bring this up because January 6th- which if you are counting would be the 12th day- is a day of celebration here in Germany which comes with some fun and interesting traditions.  On this day each village appoints three special children to dress up as the three kings.  These children in their elaborate costumes go door to door singing special songs and collecting money for the poor.  The perk to doing this is that the children are also aloud to collect "treats" from the home-owners (A little like Halloween with a twist if you ask me).  After the songs are song and the money and treats are collected a special blessing will be written above the doorway in chalk.  This blessing which remains the entire year looks a little something like this: 

It is easy to see where the numbers 2011 (this is a picture of last years blessing- the last number has now been changed to a 12) come from, the c, m, and b however are still up for debate.  Depending who you ask you will be given one of two stories.  Some believe the C, M, and B are the initials of the three kings who set out to follow the star so long ago, others hold fast to the idea that they stand for a Latin phrase meaning "bless this home."  Either way it is a fun way to celebrate the winding down of the holidays and bring a positive light to the year that lies ahead. 

Another tradition that Germans hold on this day is the lighting of smokers.  "Smokers" can be found all over Germany throughout the year and come in MANY shapes and sizes.  These smokers, which provide a huge source of income for families that live in the black forest region of the country, contain incense meant to symbolize the gifts that the Three Kings brought to the new baby king!  

In the year we have been here we have already collected four of these smokers, and in true American style we did things right on this Three Kings Day with what Nate likes to call a good old fashioned "smoke off" :)  That's right, he light them all at once- lets just say that the scent of incense was a little intense in our little German house!

Three Kings day is definitely something that I will no longer forget, and something that I will miss when we head back to the good ol' USA.  I love that fact that they are free to practice their religious holidays without causing an uproar- after all traditions are traditions (if you don't agree simply don't open your door :)Germans sure do know how to celebrate!


Anonymous said...

My grandpa brought a smoker home from his army days and I never understood til now why they'd have the guy smoking at Christmas. Due to the scent memory I adopted the smoker and I light it every Christmas season. Thanks for the history behind it! It makes my little German toy maker smoker man so much more special!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah-I didn't sign it...
;) Caitlin

Anonymous said...

Again and again Amber you teach me so much!! I really enjoy reading your blogs!! Hope and pray you are feeling well!! Hello to Nate and Happy and Healthy 2012!
Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you can keep more than one smoker going...the aroma from just one is pretty strong! Definitely reminded me of the incense at church! I enjoyed reading about the 3 kings celebration. What a great idea to have your house blessed for the new year, and collect money for charities! Talk to you soon...Love, Mom