A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oh tannenbaum!

As part of the curriculum all students who go to school on a military base outside of the US have to take a class known as Host Nation.  For an our a week students are immersed in the language, customs, and culture of the country in which they live.   

I bring this up not only because I think it is AWESOME, but becauseI myself get to attend these classes with the students on a regular basis!  Although it is supposed to “planning” time for teacher, each time I substitute a class that has host nation, I happily forgo my free time to learn right along with the students.  Not only have I learned how to count to ten and sing ring around the rosy in German I have picked up some pretty interesting information about the German way of life!  This weeks lesson was extremely interesting and fitting with my Christmas Frenzy- so naturally I thought I would pass it along to you!

As you might have guessed this weeks lesson was on the traditional German Christmas! 
Christmas is called Weihnachten  in Germany. The holiday starts at least 4 weeks before Christmas day with the setting up of the Advent wreath to welcome Christ’s birth. For every Sunday preceding Christmas, a candle is lit.- You can also thank Germany for the treat filled advent calendars that have become ever so popular- we have had one at my house for as long as I can remember!

The celebration continues on December 6th when Old. St Nicholas visits.  The night of the 5th, children clean their shoes and leave them outside in hopes that St. Nicholas will leave behind candies and treats for them. If the children did not behave well throughout the year, he will get twigs in his shoes instead. (This is where the traditional American Santa Clause comes from).
On December 24th the real celebration begins.  On this day the Christkindl (Christ child) leaves gifts for children (American children are shocked that Santa doesn’t visit German Children, however many people believe that this is do to the fact that they were never taught to leave out cookies and milk).   The family chooses one room in the house to lock- this is where the Christkindl will do her magic.  Sometime during the day, usually while the family is at church, the Christkindl prepares the locked room with a beautifully decorated tree , presents, candles, and music (that’s one busy angel if you ask me)!  (So although the Christmas tree comes from Germany unlike in the States it is not set up until the 24th- along with most of the other Christmas decorations!)   The children must wait until they hear the bells of the Christkindl to open the locked room.  When the room is finally revealed, there is delight and wonder in their little faces. Christmas carols are sung, a story is read, and the colorfully wrapped presents are finally opened.

After the presents are opened dinner is served.  Christmas dinners in Germany consist of delicious meals like Christollen (spiced fruitcake), Pfefferkuchenhaus (gingerbread house decorated with candies and sprinkles), Weisswurst (flavored sausages), Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) with Schaufele (smoked ham) and sausages, roasted goose, Lebkuchen (spice bars), marzipan and fruits.

pretty interesting if you ask me :)

Froehliche Weinachten to one and all!!!

Oh... and P.S. If you haven't already heard we are having a BOY!!!


Anonymous said...

Amber, how exciting to be able to attend the classes! I am so glad that you continue to post, as I enjoy reading all that you are doing. Have a very merry Christmas!! Love to you three!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Forgot to let you know who I am! Jan

Anonymous said...

Amber and Nate,
We hope and pray you have a wonderful Christmas. It really is so exciting all of the new things you are learning and passing on to us!! I love reading your posts!! And while we are talking.... Happy Birthday to you , Amber!!

Love and Prayers to you,