A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On the Way!!

So I am officially “home” from my 2 week trip back to the States. I really had a great time visiting with friends and family, and got to share in some wonderful experiences.  Although I enjoyed everything about being back in the states there are a few things I got to do that topped off the whole experience.

I Enjoyed the warm weather- It was a little weird going back to shorts and t-shirts but the 80 degree temps were a much needed departure from the cold fall days in Germany.

I Ate real Mexican food (several times!) – Maybe sometime I will have to tackle the art of sopapilla making so that I can enjoy these delicious treats from afar.

I Went shopping…shopping…and more shopping- My favorite past time has kind of fallen to the wayside since we moved to Germany, so when I knew I was going home I made sure to leave lots of extra room in my suitcase for all of my new finds!

I Watched a good friend get married in Vegas- I packed by bags, along with my mom, Candace, and Lindsey, and headed to Vegas to share in the good time.]

I Enjoyed some much needed family time- The best part of making the trek home is always the laughs and love I get to share with the ones I love most.  The older I get the more I enjoy being home with my mommy :)

I Spread the good news---BABY KAHLE IS ON THE WAY!  I finally got to let the cat out of the bag.  Although we have known for a while I wanted to share the news in person and this trip home came at just the right time…come the end of April our little family will expand! 

Although I am suffering from jet lag, there is little rest for the weary.  Tomorrow we are off to Amsterdam! 


Anonymous said...

Amber & Nate: Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you both! Glad that you got to spend two weeks back in the states. Love you! Jan

Anonymous said...

wow! You're not even getting your feet wet, much less letting any grass grow under them! Have fun in Amsterdam! Miss you already! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed spending time with you and are so thrilled for you and Nate!!! You are so special to us - you and all of the special Bird family - our God family!

We LOVE you!
Sherri and crew