A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes

We woke up early, shoved our tired feet back into our shoes, grabbed a pastry, and headed out for the days adventures.  Since we had crammed all of the necessities into one exhausting day, we had the time to meander the streets of Rome and get a glimpse of some of the other wonders of the city.

We began by going back to the Forum (after a pit stop at the Circus Maximus), this time to wonder through the old streets and buildings that we had seen from a distance the day before.

We rode an elevator up to get a view of ROMA from the sky. One of the most breathtaking views I have ever witnessed. Rome stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction! And with the forum and Colosseum on one side and Vatican City on the other it was hard not to be overwhelmed.
Once we were back on the Roman streets we literally hit the pavement and knock off several other sights on our list!
The Trevi Fountain- where we threw Euros over our shoulders (along with several hundred other people) and made a wish!  This may or may not have been my favorite place of them all :)

The Spanish Steps- where tired tourists perched to watch passerby’s and listen to peddlers play sweet songs.  After the trek to the top (just to say we had) we stopped to take a seat ourselves!

Piaza del Poppolo- Here you can find THE obelisk that Cleopatra gave to Julius Cesar after their love affair in Egypt!  Sounds interesting....I know!

The Parthenon- A temple built to worship Roman gods (which ironically now serves as a Christian church).  This architectural wonder was built with an open air dome and after thousands of years still defies the laws of gravity. 

And then came my favorite part of the day…..SPAGETTII!! 

After wondering through several town squares where you can find farmers markets, working artists, and enough restaurants to feed the Roman army we decided to had back and take part in a traditional afternoon treat…the Siesta!

Rested and refreshed we set out once again.  This time, however, was simply to enjoy the local culture and take in the experience. 

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined wondering through the streets of Rome (if I had maybe I would have paid better attention in history class so I could fully appreciate the experience).  Not only do I feel extremely lucky but I feel extremely honored as well.  I hope you are able to share in our experiences as well, even if it is from afar.  We are always taking all of you with us…..Wherever we are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! wow! and more wow! Mom