A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Seriously...Who does that?

So I must admit that I am beginning to feel a little guilty, Paris one month and Rome the next.  SERIOUSLY...Who does that ???

Well,  I guess we do!
 Last weekend we jumped feet first into Ancient Italy.  We took a four day weekend (over our Anniversary) and explored all that Rome has to offer….Ok so maybe not ALL (the opportunities are literally endless) but we definitely covered the highlights! 

Although we could have opted to drive, we decided to make the most of our time and catch a flight instead.  We were not sure what to expect because this was our first adventure outside of big name American airlines and you can literally find flights for less than $14 to well desired destinations if you catch them at the right time.  Makes you wonder a little bit about what you are getting into.  What we found however was a pleasant surprise.  Since the airlines are much smaller (each Country pretty much has its own airline) you get to skip a lot of the waiting and lines that come with flying in the States.  Not only that but, European airlines are all about promoting and showing off what their county has to offer.  Since we flew Swiss Air (I know what you are thinking…why did we fly Swiss when we traveled from Germany to Italy?  One word, PRICE) we were treated with Swiss chocolate, Swiss Ice Cream, and Sandwiches made with homemade bread from small Swiss bakeries....A surprising (and delicious) change from pretzels and peanuts. 

Once we landed we were automatically greeted with a much needed taste of summer (It has literally been in the 60’s and raining in Germany for the past 4 weeks). We were taxied over to our traditional Italian hotel…two words, Tiny & Sweet…and given a plethora of maps and information on when and where to go!  Since we got in pretty late we decided to take our maps up to the rooftop garden (it is a requirement that all 4 star hotels in Italy have one) and plan out our adventures for the days to come!

Stay tuned to follow along on our Roman adventure!  To get a sneak peak you can click here to view more pictures. 


Anonymous said...

Remember that "Aloha Bag"? Sounds like I would need the Swiss version on that flight with all the food.

Anonymous said...

Amber and Nate - really been enjoying your posts - sounds like you are making the most of your time overseas - keep em coming!! Love and miss you!! Aunt Patty

Anonymous said...

Wow! You don't let any grass (or moss, for that matter!) grow under your feet! Can't wait for more adventures (for me!) next summer! Love ya! MOM

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you two had a great anniversary! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures and see more pictures! Love and miss you!
John and Sherri

Anonymous said...

Amber & Nate, sure glad I spoke w/your mom this past weekend and she gave me this site. I've already gone through the current and now up to the past blogs. I'm sure there's a way to save all of it on flash drive so you've got it for forever. Makes me feel like I'm there!! Really, escargot??? Aunt Jan