A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pay as you go...

I know that it is hard to believe but there are a few things that Germans do much better than Americans.  To make it easy lets just call them the 3 B's....beer, brats, and bathrooms!  Yes, you read that right I said bathrooms.  Now I know what you are thinking (since you are such loyal and meticulous readers)..."didn't you already discuss bathrooms in an earlier post, and if I remember correctly it was not in such a positive light."  That's right; I did mention the floating toilets and spraying showers in our home, what I am talking about here however is a much different beast….public restrooms.

You all know the feeling of walking into a public bathroom and having a debate with yourself as to weather it would be better to hold it tell your stomach hurts or squat over a less than welcoming seat.  That is what makes Germany so awesome…you don’t have to choose!  More often than not the McDonalds bathrooms are cleaner than the ones at home.  Shocking I know! 

Throughout our adventures we have encountered two different styles of public bathrooms. 

-Let’s just call the first style pay as you go!  This kind of bathroom is usually found inside convenient stores, department stores, and restaurants. And this is how it works…..You pay to enter (usually about 70 euro cents).  The money goes into a machine that runs a turn style next to the entrance.  After you pay you walk into a spotless stall and do your business.  Then the "fun" part begins.  After you get up and flush the stall does a complete disinfectant.  I am talking about spinning toilet seats (which rotate under a spray of disinfectant) and floor flushers (which spray the floor to catch any drippings :).  The first time this happened I actually laughed out loud in the stall because I was so impressed!  On your way out you can pick up a ticket worth 50 euro cents that can be redeemed for merchandise at the place of business in which the bathroom is located.

-The second type is more personal, let’s call it the “hands on” bathroom.  These are usually found on market squares, under busy street centers, or places of business. There is a bathroom attendant that stands at the ready.  After each use, she runs in (literally) with her toilet brush and disinfectant bottle preparing it for the next visitor.  It is customary to leave a tip in a little glass jar usually located at the entrance of the bathroom on your way out if you found the bathroom up to standards. 

Now some of you may be opposed to having to pay to use the bathroom, but let me tell you when you walk into a gas station bathroom and are greeted with sparking seats you are more than happy to pay the fee!

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