A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We Made It!

We made it to Germany!!! The flight from Boston to Ramstein was only 7 1/2 hours....much shorter flight than I had expected. The majority of men and women on our flight were en route to Kuwait, which made me think twice about the opportunity that was given to us. Although it was very difficult to say goodbye, and moving to Germany is something that I would have never dreamed would be a reality, there is a LONG list of places that would have been much worse. Not only do we get to experience something new, we get to do it together....which is much better than sending Nate off alone.

The dogs are extremely happy to be off the plane and lets just say that getting them to go in a kennel will never be the same. I am pretty sure that they have had enough traveling for a while!

For now we are living in temporary on base housing....which if you ask me will probably end up being both bigger and better than our perminant living solution (of which I will keep you posted). Nate is hoping to get his driver's license tomorrow so that we can get out and see a little bit of this new country we will call home, and hopefully over the next few days we will get used to the drastic time change (we are now 8 hours ahead of NM time for those of you who are wondering).

Thank you everyone for the prayers and well wishes. Without all the support we have recieved over the past few months this transition period would be much harder. I am truely blessed to have such a strong support system!

p.s. funny story: So I just tried to do spell check on this and it highlighted ALL of the words and told me they were wrong. I can not figure out how it switched from English to German or how to switch it back, so if there are any mispellings (of which I am sure there are many :) you will just have to ignore them for now :P

p.p.s. I love you mom & dad!!!

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