A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is
someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sprechen Sie English

Its raining
Its snowing
This weather is getting boring....

We have almost been in Germany for 3 weeks now (hard to believe, I know) and have seen the sun for less than 10 minutes total. It seems that every morning when we wake up there is a new dusting of snow on the ground. Not nearly enough to make a snow angel, but it always seems to be just enough to ice over the windshield on our car. I remember as a kid how fun it was to wake up and see the white stuff on the ground (usually because if there was even 1/100 of an inch school in Carlsbad would be canceled!) But I have to admit that it is now getting a little old. When they say Germany gets plenty of precipitation they are not kidding. Needless to say, I can't wait for the day when I get to wear sunglasses again.

I will admit however that this weather lends itself perfectly to one thing..... Shopping! Although the base provides us with almost everything we could ever want (the BX is literally the size of 4 football fields) this week we ventured out into downtown Keiserslautern (yea.. go ahead and try to say that 10x fast). We actually went there looking for a traditional German restaurant, however, what we found proved to be soooo much better. Right before our very eyes were blocks upon blocks lined with small bakeries, chocolatiers, butcher shops filled with bratwurst and sausages, hand carved furniture, clothing, farmers markets, and just about anything else a German girl could ask for (I would venture to say that this is their equivalent to the American Mall). I was fascinated by the swarms of people going in and out of the small shops with bags filled and found myself wishing that I had brushed up on my German so that I too could buy some sweet bread to take home. It was exhilarating to see what a world without Wal-Mart is like!

Although most people here can speak English, I feel rude asking “Sprechen Sie Englisch” to every local we encounter (to be honest I usually make Nate do it). The Germans are very understanding and helpful once they realize that we don’t speak the language (they even have special menus at all of the restaurants for Americans so that we can understand what it is we are ordering!!) however not being able to understand 95% of what is going on around you is a very interesting experience. Therefore, I am determined to be able to hold a conversation in German (however basic it maybe) before the year is up!! Wish me luck!

Have a Great Weekend!!!


bethbird said...

Life without a Wal-Mart?I think that would be divine!! It sounds like you are having fun - and you will be able to learn German! We have faith in you!! Sending lots of love! ~Beth, Dave, Abby, and Meg

mama bird said...

Before the end of the year, it may be "Sprechen zie Deutsch?" "Ich liebe dich!" Not sure about the spelling, but I remember a few phrases!